Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Damn UTIs.

Hubby works today and tomorrow, so he left for work at 6:30 this morning and I slept in until 9. I pretty much spent the first few hours of my day watching episodes of Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant. Is it just me or do you want to punch 65% of the dads on those shows in the face? Actually, the moms too. And I often wonder why CPS isn't being called on most of these girls.

I felt like a lazy bum. And I felt bad. I always feel bad knowing he's at work and I'm just laying around watching the tube. So I started cleaning. I did all the laundry and I went to the store and bought a mop and a toilet scrubber (finally), and cleaned the crap out of the rest of the house.

I was really crabby with hubby the last two days because my UTI came back, and he's not super sympathetic with these things...because he just doesn't really understand, which is alright. He's a wonderful person, just not the most empathetic of beings.
Luckily, I was able to get rid of the UTI on my own. I just drank an entire bottle of 100% pure cranberry juice and a ton of water and took cranberry pills and vitamin C. I drank a few tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar throughout the day too. I guess I caught it early enough because I was able to kick it. The last one I had I had to go get antibiotics (but apparently they didn't work because it came back with a vengeance).

I'm just so tired of getting these freaking UTIs every time we have sex. And going to the doctor and being told to wipe from front to back (really?!) and to pee after sex (for the record, I pee religiously after sex). Bah! I'm just going to drink cranberry juice every night and hopefully that helps.

Friday, September 17, 2010

All things car.

We bought a new car!
It's nice :)
But I think it's hubby's, for sure.

Deli times.

It's been a couple weeks, I'm a terrible blogger.

So let's see...

First of all, I ended up going to the emergency room for that bladder got a lot worse and hubby made me go. Thank God I'm on his Tricare or I'd be screwed. Did you know emergency room visits are $600? Neither did I.
They did a pregnancy test too because it had been a while since I'd had a period, and guess who's pregnant?!
Not me.

Thank God.

Anyway, last week I put in an application at a local french cheese company, and they called me in and they hired me. So I'm just going to be working there on the weekends, but they've been training me, so I've been working during the week. My first day was Wednesday, and man...they just throw you right into it. Everybody there does everything. They all cook, they all do dishes, they all wait on tables, bus tables, you name it, they do it. And they work like a well oiled machine because most of them have been there for years.

So Wednesday I worked a 9 hour shift, and for the first half I mainly just washed dishes because everybody just seemed to know what they were doing, and everybody was already doing everything. So I just tried to fit in where I was needed, and nobody was doing dishes, so I did that. And then I walked around and got people's dishes and bussed tables. And then I slowly started to take some of the orders out, and then about halfway through the shift, after it started to slow down a little (it was crazy busy that day) I started to take people's orders, and I made a few orders as well. Then Jeannie, the main person that I work with, showed me how to close everything for the day. The deli is only open 11-3:30, so generally I get out of there at about 4:30.

Yesterday, Thursday, I went in at 10, so most of the slicing had already been done, and I just wrapped the meat up and packaged some cheese and an hour later the deli opened. It wasn't as busy as Wednesday but we had the same amount of people, so this time I kinda didn't know what to do sometimes...and I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep the night before (which I'll explain soon), so I was pretty tired and a little sluggish. I was doing my best to keep up but I just felt kinda exhausted and run down, and one of the managers told me I needed to do things faster, in a nice way, but it still kinda made me feel crappy, so I wasn't feeling really good about the job yesterday.

Today was a lot better though. I seemed to get a little more into the swing of it. Started out the day by just doing sort of odds and ends. I came in at 10:30 and the deli opened a half an hour later. People were just kinda trickling in and it was manageable for just me and Deb, the short order cook for the mornings. I would take the orders, get the side dishes ready for her, take the orders out. And then more orders started coming in, and more people started coming back to help, so I would find something that needed to be done, and somebody else would be doing it. And I started to feel out of place again...but not as much as Thursday. And I seemed to do a lot more things right, which made me feel better about tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Saturday, and apparently weekends are totally insane there, which makes sense because this is a big tourist town, and Kenzie, the brie manager, was telling me that on Saturday I was going to be on my own. And I was like ...on my own? What? And I'm still not sure what exactly she means by that. Because then she told me that someone else would be there to help me. And I'm like mean I'll be there to help that person right? I don't know. I mean, I'm nervous...I hope it's not more than I can handle, but I guess we'll just find out. Maybe she meant that I'd be on my own after the deli closes. Like, maybe that other person will go home when it closes at 3:30, and I'll have to close alone, which I can do. That's not really a big deal, but if she means on my own like, the other woman goes home at 1...I'm screwed. That means I'll have to be making all the sandwiches, and I don't even know the sandwiches. I know like three of them. And it generally starts slowing down around 2 or 2:30, but on a Saturday I don't know how it'll be.

Oh, and tomorrow we have a group of 40 people coming in at 12. Tomorrow is going to be completely crazy. I have Sunday off though, so that's good news. Yayyyyyyy.

Jen is moving back to Washington and she's leaving early tomorrow morning, and she's going to stay with me and Hubby tomorrow night, so that'll be fun, and I'm glad I'm not working on Sunday morning so I won't have to go to bed at 10 o'clock.

Oh, and the reason I didn't get much sleep on Wednesday night? Hubby and I went to Hillsboro right after I got off work to look at cars and ended up buying a 2000 Ford Mustang, and we didn't get home until after midnight, and I didn't get to sleep until about 2 am. And woke up six and a half hours later for work. And I'm used to a lot more sleep than that.

Anyway, I'll try to update more, and I'll post some pictures of the new car.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Peeing in Oregon.

Well, we're all moved in. We drove all day Tuesday and unpacked everything that night, then he had leave until Friday, so we spent a couple days together, getting the house together, going grocery shopping, exploring the town.

He went back to work yesterday and when I woke up I felt like I was starting to get a UTI...yay. So I did what I always do for that, I took a couple vitamin c pills, like five cranberry pills, drank a gallon of cranberry juice and just continued drinking water all day. It seemed to be working but I still had it last night. I had to get up a few times during the night to pee...yay. And this morning I woke up peeing blood! So how was your day? haha.

No, but seriously. It does feel a little better, like I don't feel the constant urge to pee, but when I do pee it still burns like the dickins and I'm totally bleeding. Kidney infection? Quite possibly. Unfortunately, hubby has his truck and he's at work until tomorrow evening. And I'm not sure if I'm on his health insurance or not yet. So I don't really want to go to the doctor, but if I start getting nauseous or get a fever or lower back pain, I'll just walk down to the nearest doctor's office, fees be damned. I don't want a kidney infection. That would be no fun at all.

So that's been my first few days in Oregon. Yayyyy.
Ow! I have to pee.
I'll update more later.