Saturday, May 29, 2010

party tonight.
drunk encounters with exbf ensued.

he's still head over heels.
and i'm just...aloof. i don't care that he flirts with other girls. i don't care that he stares at me from across the room all night or that he is here and db isn't. db is still the only person i want to be with.

i wanted to write this entry. i wanted to write about it all but i'm so exhausted. 3 hours of sleep in the past two days, crazy shift at work today; and then that party was just draining....taxing emotionally with phil and leo being there. and jen, unhappy with her life and wanting to have heart to hearts in the bathroom. i don't know what to say when i'm drunk and i wish i did, but i really don't.

i want to read.
i have the day off tomorrow with db! we're going to talk all day. i'm really excited about it.

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