Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Moving woes.

So, it's looking like the moving date is going to be August 31st. God willing.
This is, of course, assuming that Hubby finds us a place to live. It's hard to find listings for anything online, because this is such a small town, so I've been relying on him to check out the local paper and go look at places. This is hard for me, because I'm such a control freak. But I've been doing my darndest to just settle back and let him take the reigns.

Yeah, that ended five days ago. He hadn't even turned in our marriage license so we could start getting the basic allowance for housing! So on Monday I not so subtly reminded him to pick up a copy, mail me one (so I can change my driver's license and social security card and bank account) and to turn one in so we could get the ball rolling. Thank jebus he picked up the copies, but did he turn one in? Of course he didn't. FRUSTRATING. He says he mailed me a copy but I'm not sure if he really did or not. I hope to god he did.

If he doesn't turn in our marriage license soon, we are SO not going to have the BAH by the time he comes here. He's putting in his chit for the last week of August, to visit his family, meet the rest of mine, and then help me move. But I can't really move all my stuff and myself if we don't have a place to live!

And has he looked for a place to live? Nope.
Not a lick.

He went for a four hour bike ride yesterday.
It's like, k cool honey, I understand you need some down time. I get that. But I don't want to live in a card board box!!!

So I went online and found the local paper online and checked out the classifieds and gave him the numbers to all the places that looked good and asked him to please please check them out. Which he was supposed to do yesterday.
But like I said...4 hour bike ride.

SIGH. What am I going to do with him?
And this is the man I'm having children with?!

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