Tuesday, August 9, 2011

16 and NOT pregnant

So I have this great idea.
I often watch the show 16 and Pregnant...I know what you're thinking, but it's my own personal train wreck; it must be watched, no matter how painful it may be. A lot of people seem to think it glorifies teen pregnancy, leading to more teen pregnancies. What a vicious cycle. I dunno, maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. Sure seems that way here in Oregon, but...I'm not here to judge.

But what if they had a show called 16 and NOT pregnant. And followed around four normal teenage girls who didn't have to worry about stretch marks and uterine cramping and middle of the night feedings. Who knows? Maybe other 16 year old girls would be like "Hey Mom! I'm NOT going to get pregnant, and then maybe I'll get to be on this awesome show!" And then angels would cry and Poseidon would rise from the sea once more and grant us all a thousand wishes.

But probably not.   

I'm just saying.

The husband and I went to dinner the other night and there was a teen couple there with their baby. I have NO problem with babies in restaurants; more power to you if you can muster the energy to go out with one of those things. But their entire conversation revolved around the baby, and wipies and spit up. And it made me sad for them. They should have been talking about ...I don't know, Harry Potter? It's been a while, I don't know what's hip anymore.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

And we haven't killed each other yet.

The husband and I celebrated our anniversary on July 31st. Our first anniversary. As in, we're both still somehow alive and made it through the first terrible year of merging two lives together and constant compromise.
...anyway. It was a lovely two days spent in Lincoln City.

Rose petals. Rose petals people! This was one romantic room. Oh, and did I mention the jacuzzi tub overlooking the ocean? In which we sipped champagne? I wish I could say that we gazed lovingly into each others eyes as the sunset on the Pacific, but it was cloudy so we didn't get a good sunset and we were watching America's Got Talent. But it was still magical.

We started the day off shopping at the giant outlet mall in LC, trying to kill time as we waited for our room to be ready. Check in time was 4 o'clock, which is a little extreme, but hey. Who am I to judge?

When the room was finally ready we were already tired and took a little nap in this here bed and watched Cake Boss. Only we can take such a romantic setting and turn it into home, haha.

We went down to the ocean to check out the little tide pools in front of our hotel, took a lot of pictures. Walked along the beach, reminisced, worked up an appetite, and eventually sauntered on down to Kyllo's, the restaurant we always go to when we're in LC. We got the best seat we've ever gotten there! Right in front of the giant picture windows overlooking the ocean, it was awesome. We always get put in some corner, or across the room, and quite frankly it's kind of a bummer.

When we got home, the jacuzzi tubbing/america's got talent watching began. And then we both got really tired/drunk from the wine and fell asleep watching Law and Order. It was almost like our anniversary with TV. The three of us have a wonderful relationship.

The next day was awesome though. We went to Pig n' Pancake, the one we went to the morning before he proposed. Then went to the hill we climbed, but it looked like there'd been a landslide and it was even steeper this time around, so we opted not to climb it again.

Instead, we rented a boat on Devil's Lake and had a picnic and lounged around for a couple hours. It was super relaxing. I told Austin at the time 'I'm going to hold onto this memory while I'm at work the next 8 days in a row.' And I am. Holding on. For dear life.

We came home after boating, both kind of tired. We lounged a bit, went to the gym, ate dinner, then went for a ten mile bike ride around Tillamook. We got to see the sun set over one of the cow fields. We had a really good time, and I was proud of myself for actually biking ten miles.

What really happened is we got about three miles from the house, and we turned a corner. It was downhill for a long ways, and Austin goes "Do you just want to turn around now?" And I go "No...I want to keep going." And he goes "I don't want to have to walk back with you in the dark." And I didn't even say anything, I just started riding. And I went all the way around town in a full loop which turned out to be about 10 1/2 miles. He thinks he was encouraging me. I say it was the most discouraging encouragement ever. But whatever, we did it.

So that was our on year anniversary. It was great, and I hope we can last another year without one of us shanking the other.